features like Mocking, a special testing language and it keeps
compatibility with xUnit.
Imagine you want test Energy of a beamline through a Control System
class Device{ Device(def name){} static def energy=0 //private def gap def getGap(){-0.25*energy+11.5} } class EnergyProcess extends spock.lang.Specification { def beamline = new Device("I06-C-C00/EX/BeamlineEnergy") def undulator = new Device("ANS-C06/EI/C-U20") def "check the energy of my beamline"() { when: "a user change energy of beamline" beamline.energy = energy then: "the undulator should be in correct position" undulator.gap == gap where: energy | gap 24 | 5.5 22 | 6 20 | 6.5 } }I'm interesting in groovy language for few months (maybe years now) and
I think it would be a real candidate to create a testing environment for
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